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Etwinning project 2013-14:

Interesteen: An on-line MAGAZINE for cultural exchanges

Κατά της χρονιά 2013-2014, το σχολείο μας έλαβε μέρος σε μία συνεργασία Ευρωπαικών σχολείων etwinning.

Η συνεργασία απέσπασε την Ευρωπαϊκή ετικέτα ποιότητας.

Στο πρότζεκτ συμμετείχαν από το σχολείο μας, μαθητές της Α λυκείου. Υπεύθυνος του προτζεκτ ήταν ο Χατζηπαρασκευάς Ευριπίδης (ΠΕ19).

Πριν από λίγες ημέρες απονεμήθηκε ετικέτα ποιότητας για το project, το οποίο διήρκησε όλη τη σχολική χρονιά.


Παρακάτω παρατίθενται μερικές πληροφορίες για την εργασία (στα Αγγλικά, η οποία ήταν και η γλώσσα εργασίας):

Interesteen: An on-line MAGAZINE for cultural exchanges


Adelina Silva

Escola Secundaria de Pa?os de Ferreira, Pa?os de Ferreira, Portugal

Subjects: Economics, Media Education, Social Studies / Sociology

Languages: EN - ES - FR - PT

Carmen Mellado Alvarez (FOUNDER)

IES Albert Einstein, Sevilla, Spain

Subjects: Drama, Environmental Education, Foreign Languages

Languages: ES - EN

Claudine Coatan?a

Lyc?e Michelet, VANVES , France

Subjects: Citizenship, Drama, European Studies, Foreign Languages, Language and Literature, Media Education

Languages: EN

Euripides Hatjiparaskevas

3o Geniko Lykeio Mytilinis, Μυτιλήνη, Greece

Subjects: Cross Curricular, Environmental Education, Ethics, Foreign Languages, Informatics / ICT, Psychology

Languages: EL - EN

isabella zeli

Liceo Statale delle Scienze Umane "S. Anguissola", Cremona (CR), Italy

Subjects: Art, Citizenship, Drama, Foreign Languages, Language and Literature, Music

Languages: EN

Rodolphe Mangou (FOUNDER)

Lyc?e Marie Curie, VIRE, France

Subjects: Chemistry, Foreign Languages, Physics

Languages: EN

suzan p??akc?

Burak Bora Anadolu Lisesi, istanbul, Turkey

Subjects: European Studies, Foreign Languages, Informatics / ICT, Language and Literature, Psychology

Languages: EN - FR


Teachers of European schools and their students work together and create an e-magazine to show cultural differences and similarities.

Citizenship, Foreign Languages, History of Culture, Informatics / ICT, Media Education
Pupil's age:
14 - 17
Tools to be used:
e-mail, Forum, Other software (Powerpoint, video, pictures and drawings), Twinspace, Web publishing
The aim of the project is to publish a school magazine on-line including articles in English. This project will encourage language learning and intercultural dialogue in order to know cultural differences and similarities in European countries. Students should learn how to write collaboratively, with both their classmates and partners abroad, and publish articles on-line. Another important objective is the meaningful use of ICT and the growth of our pupils? critical thinking. We also want to educate students to understand and watch the media, including the Internet, in a critical way.
Work process:
Getting started: Teachers?tasks: - Agree on the involved students? age and level of foreign language knowledge; - Try to link both the topics, sections and the type of articles to the English language curricula in the participating countries; - Agree on time lines and on ICT tools used in the project; - Suggest activities and exercises, which will enable their students to write articles in English. - Decide on the ways of students? collaboration: students write the article within their own school and, once published on-line, they share and discuss it with partners abroad; they work on the article with their partners abroad since the beginning; - Learn to use the publishing tools like the Twinspace or the Magazine Factory available at and other ICT (Google Drive applications) tools needed for the project (word processing, email, digital camera and Internet); - Plan the guidelines and hands-on activities on the use of e-journal software for the students; explain the way of working and the purpose of the project to the students. It is crucial to involve them as much as possible. Students? tasks: - Get familiar with the ICT tools needed for the project; - Get organized for information collection and collaborative writing process. They either work with their classmates or their partners from abroad. With the help of their teacher, they decide on who will be responsible for which task (information collection, writing the draft, taking pictures, handling ICT tools, proof-reading, etc.) - Decide on the sections of their e-journal and agree on them with their classmates/partners. - Choose relevant topics for their articles and agree on them with their classmates/partners. - Choose the journalistic approach according to the topic and their capacities (interview, news, reportage, photo-reportage, advertisement, survey, essay, review, announcement, ?); - Learn language skills needed for their task: via reading and working on similar types of articles written by professional journalists, studying the vocabulary related to the topic, etc. 2. Collecting and sorting the information: - Students find, select and organize material on the chosen topic (via Internet and/or library); - They brainstorm their ideas and prepare drafts of the article, respecting the journalistic approach they have chosen; - They decide on the layout of the article and on the pictures, which will illustrate the ideas expressed in the text; - Teachers monitor pupils? work, guide them through the process and help them cope with challenges of collaborative writing in a foreign language. 3. Publishing articles: - When writing the final version of the article, pupils take into account the comments made by the other members of the team concerning the quality of the language, content, layout and pictures; - They quote the sources of information provided in the article properly; - Students insert their activities and discussions in the forum in the Twinspace and in Magazine Factory environment; - Finally, teachers as administrators make their articles public; 4. Learning with and from each other: Students read their partners? or other teams? articles; - They exchange comments and. They consider the quality of the language, content, layout and the relevance of the pictures; - The articles are put together into an on-line e-magazine. They decide and agree on e-magazine design (logo, front page). They organize available articles according to the sections they agreed on at the beginning; - They try to find common features and differences in the perception of the chosen topic in their countries.
Expected results:
Articles in a foreign language published on-line; E-magazine, with an organized structure and containing articles written by all teams involved.