3rd General Lyceum of Mytilene has been recently approved by the Greek
national agency, to develop an Erasmus+ KA1 project for the 2014-2015 period.
The School education staff mobility project is titled as "Teaching for the 21th Century" and the main aspect of the project is the attendance of two teaching seminars abroad for four teachers of the education staff of the school.
- The first seminar has the title of "Teaching through 21st-Century Methodologies", held in Prague between 5th and 9th of January 2015.
The goals of the course are as follows:
- Examine new methodologies of teaching that have arisen in recent years, such as task- based and
problem-based learning
- Demonstrate activities that encourage students to think creatively and use critical thinking skills
- Familiarize trainees with shifting values in culture and in the workplace and how to
apply those values in the classroom
- Examine the role of media in teaching
- Examine the role of collaboration in student learning and how to encourage students of all learning
styles to work together
- Introduce strategies for creating multidisciplinary lesson materials
- Allow teachers to share ideas and cultural differences with other nationalities from the EU
- Provide teachers with an insight into Czech culture in the historical city of Prague.
- The second course is is titled "E-learning in the classroom", is held in Paris, between 27th of April to 1st of May,2015.
The goals of the course are as follows:
- Provide teachers with practical ideas for how they can incorporate technology into their existing lessons.
- Familiarize teachers with current Internet trends and how they can be applied in the creation of an e-lesson.
- Familiarize teachers with the uses and functions of the Moodle platform.
- Allow teachers to create their own controlled test courses on the Moodle platform.
- Provide teachers with the skills and knowledge necessary to create and implement their own e-learning platform.
- Provide teachers with resources with which they can augment their e-learning content.
- Allow teachers to share ideas and cultural differences with other nationalities from the EU
- Provide teachers with an insight into Czech culture in the historical city of Prague.